How To Earn Whilst You Home Educate In 2025

Allow your child the freedom to learn in the way that best suits their uniqueness, without sacrificing your finances.  Home-educating your child is the perfect opportunity to rethink how you earn an income.


1) Introduction

2) How To Get Started with An Online Business

3) How Can Training Help You?

4) Pros & Cons of Online Business whilst Home Educating

5) Conclusion


Do you value spending more time with your family, giving your children an education that nurtures their unique interests, and the freedom to live life on your terms?

 If you’re unsure how to achieve this while still earning the income you need, you’re not alone. 

In this article, I am going to share the solution that worked for us. The life you want is possible by rethinking your approach work.

I’m Keri. I love adventure and exploring the outdoors. I always wanted to spend as much time as possible with my family, but didn’t want to choose between the mum I wanted to be and having a meaningful career.

I wanted our children’s lives to be full of adventure, memories and opportunities to explore their interests. I tried balancing 9-5 work and home life, but it meant I was unable to give the time and energy either deserved. I was emotionally and financially drained. More than anything I wanted to have more family time, but didn’t want this to hit our finances. 

This situation made me question the future we were preparing our children for. But more than that, I questioned whether we were making the most of the present.

Home-educating was an opportunity to explore our family values, the lifestyle we wanted and our educational philosophy. However, we didn’t know how to make this possible.  Even if we could have lived of one wage it meant missing out on being a family most of the week.

After a tough start to 2019, my husband and I started our own online business. By 2020, I had the freedom to work around family life. In 2021 my husband was able to quit his day job. Then in 2022, our business provided us the freedom to take the year to travel and educate our children as we went. Since then we have continued to have the freedom to choose how we live our lives and chase the things that make us happiest, whilst having the time and resources to educate our children without school.

How To Get Started With An Online Business

Online business allows us the time, financial and geographical freedom to focus on learning as a family.

However, 4 years ago we had no idea how to get started. We often joke about not knowing how to use a TV remote, let alone setting up a business online.

In 2024 most businesses we use are online. When you need something, you use your phone to research and purchase a solution. You are often buying from one person that has set up a business from their laptop. In 2025 that business could be yours. A business that could provide you a passive income whilst you give your family the time they deserve. 

There are so many ways to get started, but this is how I began:

  • Affiliate marketing. This is sharing products and services that you use with other people who have similar interests. This can be done using a website, blogging, using social media or writing articles like this one. It’s knowing what, where and how to share these with the right people.
  • Selling products. I learnt about sourcing products, designing, packaging, selling on platforms like Etsy and Amazon. By following a step by step training I learnt all I needed to know to design and sell my own products on Amazon from anywhere in the world.
  • There are of course more opportunities like providing courses, books and coaching. 

The secret is to create an online business centered around something that excites and inspires you. Then you will be motivated to research, create and share solutions with likeminded people.

Doing this alone can be overwhelming. The link below provides some free resources and recommendations to help you get started.  

How Can Training Help You?

Mastering any new skill requires hard work and dedication. However, learning from experts helps you avoid wasted time and energy. When building a business it can be the difference between being profitable enough to focus on your family or staying stuck in the research stage.

There are 3 ways to approach your business:

1) DIY – Ideally with structured training, but essentially watching videos and then getting the tools to put ideas into practice. You will probably need to go back and fine tune these skills.

2) Done with you – Learning any skill is easier when someone experienced is there helping you understand the best solution for you. You can ask questions as you go and learn how to do things right as soon as possible.

3) Done for you – As with any project you can outsource certain tasks, allowing you to focus on profitable, exciting tasks more aligned with your skill set.

​I share more on how I approached my business within our email series, but for motivation and the questions I needed to answered I’m glad I had support.

Pros & Cons of Starting an Online Business


  •  Freedom and availability to work around your children’s education.
  •  Endless opportunities that you can harness.
  •  Create a business that is unique to you and uses your strengths and passions.
  •  No need to do things you don’t like. 
  •  Learn new skills that are an asset in all areas of your life.
  •  Freedom to do the things you love with the people you love.
  •  Be an example to your children that you/they can create anything they give attention to and that learning is a lifelong journey. 
  •  More time and money for living. 
  •  You can start now and work around other responsibilities.


  • No guarantees it will work. You may try 10 things before you find the one thing that’s a success.
  •  Self-motivation and self-belief are required.
  •  Investing time and money into an already busy schedule or tight budget can feel difficult.
  •  Numerous opportunities can lead to overwhelm.
  •  Your children will want to start their own business too. 

Home Educating whilst Earning An Income

What future do you want for your family?

If home-education feels like the right path for your family but you are worried about sacrificing your family income or career. Then online business gave us the best of both worlds. It helped us make the most of our time as a family.

To explore this path yourself, here is access to the same training that got us started 5 years ago…

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