is a community and resource for those who are looking for ways to make life better.

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A Little More Outdoor

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a little more outdoor?

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We want to help you discover your best life.

For us we needed away to make money that didn’t take up all our time.

Online business not only gave us an opportunity to make a living It allowed us to find a way to really make a change in the world.

We offer the same basic training that gave us our foundation then offer insight and personal development for anyone brave enough to challenge what the rest of their life will look like.


Baby at laptop


The more we share our intention with friends, family, the more we realise we’re not the only ones who feel they’re not getting the most out of life.

Here you’ll find interviews with families and individuals who are trying to live a little more outdoor.

Some making new habits, others making big career changes.

Is your life exactly how you imagined?

What have you tried to get to your ideal life?

Did it work?

Have you given up?

Here are some people who have taken action to live a life of purpose and meaning.


All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy.

It’s not all business, Here you’ll find activities, tools, blogs, reviews everything you need to live

 a little more outdoor


Most frequent questions and answers

We “Affiliate Market” products we truly believe help people achieve a better life.

That means we recommend products that we believe provide value or a relevant to the interests of our subscribers.

The links are personalised to us. If someone clicks on them and makes a purchase then we get a commission. i.e. I just brought one of these so we could get dynamic footage and I love it, I would highly recommend it:

We love this as we are not tied to a single product, We don’t have to “sell” anything.

People find our posts because they are  searching for advice and guidance.

Any thing from:

“What’s a good gift for someone outdoorsy”

We might have a post like Top 10 gifts for outdoor Dads and recommend products like this

(trust me these are a life saver)


“How do I change my life”

That might take them to one of our pages with video explaining why we do what we do:

Either way we provide the advice and guidance that’s within our knowledge and experience.

If we feel we that there’s a product or service that’s truly relevant we will recommend it.

Not all of our links are “Affiliate links”, sometimes we might link to another website that provides value. It is far more important for us to provide value and grow our community and trust.

Think about it. Are you more likely to come back if we send you to a site that answered your question or tried to push a useless irrelevant product on you.

For some people what we offer will be relevant for others it won’t. The more relevance and value our content and recommendations have the more our reputation and community grows, for this reason we will never recommend a bad product, pressure or lie to “sell” something. 

In short we think developing your own online business is the best way to gain time, financial and geographical freedom.  

You can then spend your life how you see fit. That could be traveling, being there for your friends and family, really giving to your community or just living the high life. 

For us we missed being outdoors and wanted more time as a family. 

This website started purely as resource for families, like us who wanted to make the most out of there weekends and were looking for ways to spend time outdoors as families. 

We used our experience running outdoor centres to put together session plans and risk assessments so families could feel confident on different adventures. 

However we struggled to create content around normal 9-5 jobs and raising a young family. We realised that the issue, both we and our subscribers had, was not willingness or knowledge around getting outdoors. It was having the time, money and geographical freedom to do it.

We then got serious around trying to create that freedom for ourselves by developing to provide an income.

We also changed our focus to help others who wanted to build that freedom.

But we had no idea how to start or why some websites were successful and others weren’t.

One of our Primary affiliate products is SFM. This was the training provider we used to learn the skills we were lacking when we started. It’s step by step training about how to build a business online. As much as you here about people becoming overnight millionaires this isn’t really the case unless you have thousands to invest.

When you subscribe to the mailing list, the first thing we send you is a free four part online training from SFM. This gives you a broad view of how different online business models work and how you might scale depending on your time budget and commitment.

Simply put, SFM can do it far better. The trainers are all successful experts in there fields and we’re still figuring things out.

SFM have resources that are essential like access to specific of training videos like “how to track what’s working”. 24/7 tech support for when your website doesn’t work, webinars led by some of the best experts. 

Also your business will be an extension of yourself.

You might want to design a type of bike or jacket and sell it though amazon or your own online store. 

You might want to provide online counseling.

You may have a traditional business that you want to market or even transition online.

You may want to develop a web based training series on a specific skill you have like gardening, yoga or photography.

Any online business is like having a shop in the desert, It can be the most amazing shop in the world: beautifully designed, the most amazing products and amazing service. It doesn’t matter no one knows it’s there. There’s some simple ways of getting people there but one simple mistake can mean the difference between a business that essentially runs it’s self and a business that just sits on a server.

These will require different skills and resources that Keri and I couldn’t even begin to provide enough value on.

One of the other things we like is that SFM isn’t focused on making loads of money. It’s in keeping with our own values that you should be working towards making everyday count. If your everyday is best spent building a business then that’s fine. If your everyday is about having enough financial freedom to spend time with family then it will teach you how to automate your business. If you feel like you have a higher calling and want to make a change in the world then there’s the resources to really get clarity in on what that vision is and the most effective and personally aligned way of doing it.

Our business is predominantly around guiding people to this solution and finding out if it’s right for them by sharing our experience and providing guidance from the perspective of people who are in the trenches with you.

Absolutely not. Our mission is to help people take a life of alignment. Alignment with their values, alignment with the passions. 

As long as you are (Or working towards being) excited by each day and you will look back on your life knowing you have achieved what you set out to then we fully support you. 

If you’ve found an employer that gives you that and you just want to work on your personal development then welcome.

If you have your own more traditional business that you love and are passionate about then perhaps you will find resources that will help you promote it or bring it more inline with your values or even give you more freedom.

We will still be providing lot’s of lifestyle resources so if your looking for activities or products then it’s worth popping in every so often.

That’s the beauty of a website it costs us very little to run so you can use it however you see fit.

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10 Adventurous Date Ideas for Couples

Rediscover romance with adventurous date ideas like running scenic routes, exploring new skills together, or enjoying a surprise treat in nature. These creative outings help couples reconnect, have fun, and create lasting memories. Which adventure will you try first?

Read More »


Who are Keri and Nick Ilston

Keri and Nick are two parents, who used to be young and ran outdoor centres and went on adventures. 

They left that life get normal jobs that were more appropriate when raising a family.

They soon realised that this normal 9-5 was not the life they had promised each other or their family.

It’s easy to think something will change but the years kept slipping by with very few experiences to show for them.

Nothing changes unless something changes.

They promised themselves that they would find a way to live out there dreams no matter what it took…

Want to learn more about KERI AND NICK

Why us

We help you design
the life you want.

If you are 100% happy with life then we congratulate you.

If there is something you desire: more time, more freedom, and it’s alright to need or want more money…

…Then let us help you do it in away that is right for you.

Start building a business that is an extension of you:

Your values, your ethics. 

Not just something that vaguely interests you but something that you are genuinely enthralled by.

Something you can’t wait to jump out of bed and do, 

Your purpose.

Not sure what that is yet?

No problem that’s what we’re here for.

Get free online training and insight, If you like what you see then we'll go from there...

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