What’s it like travelling with kids

Most people ask what’s it like to travel full time with a family.

At the bottom of this blog, there's documentary footage of what it’s like.

But, if I have to sum it up, it's life amplified.... 

“Can we do this?”

Traveling is a dream so many 

Honestly, it’s not all Instagrammable. It can be tough. 

In our first year of travel, we often miss-budgeted. getting sick can be scary. 

We still make all kinds of mistakes. We constantly questioned if we were doing the right thing for ourselves and the children. We’ve had days where we didn’t know how to move forward.

However, that was also true of 9-5 life.

The difference is, when I look back on our first year of travelling, We made more memories than 5 years of school runs and jobs.

I have a closer relationship with my children. Keri and I feel more like a team than ever.

It has been worth it.

Sometimes the negatives feel overwhelming at the time, but they never feel as big looking back. Life has a funny way of picking up and polishing the good memories, so it’s worth risking some bad ones. 

You remember swimming in the sea at sunset or discovering something new with your child. You forget how frustrated you were that the kids were whinging about getting their shoes on beforehand.

By comparison, our memory won’t differentiate doing the same school run and work routine for another year.


Would you travel right now?

If we showed you how we:

  • Earn money on the move.
  • Make sure the kids get a great education.
  • Show you where to go no matter your budget.



What would stop you?

Would you take action, or would you continue to settle for a life of routine survival?

If the big stuff was dealt with, what else holds you back?

How about the little uncertainties about travel life?

  • Will you get on as a family?
  • Is it safe?
  • Is language an issue?
  • What happens if you get sick?

We not presenting an ideal Instagram life of travelling or the way you should be living.

We’re not super parents and I look terrible in a bikini. Some days we are grumpy. 

But you’re not here to get a behind the scene look on our life. We don’t whip the cameras out when we’re having tantrums and disasters or family drama. Equally when we are having a really high moment we tend to just be in it.

We will give you, and other families who want to travel, a realistic look at the ups and downs of travelling with a family, so you can give yourself permission to take action.

We want to show you we’re just normal people, with normal problems finding a way to make life a little more… of an adventure…

If we can, so can you.

Click below to watch this normal family find a way to make life an adventure!


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