Becky Falls

Are you looking for a family friendly walk in Dartmoor? Becky Falls offered beautiful scenery, a natural playground, easy to follow trails and facilities such as a cafe, toilets, parking and some animals.

Not Another Dartmoor Walk

Becky Falls offered 3 easy to follow trails. Each trail was rated according to difficulty. I’d recommend taking a carrier for small children as none of the trails are pushchair accessible.

We love Dartmoor, but it was nice to have all the beauty of Dartmoor without the need to navigate and relatively easy underfoot. We took a packed lunch, but there was a cafe serving food. A bonus was that they had a small animal area that the children enjoyed.

A place like Becky Falls is great to visit whatever the weather as long as you have suitable clothing and footwear. Beware that it does close for Winter.

Our Trip To Becky Falls

If you can’t wait for winter to be over for your visit, then check out this video.

Top Tips For A Visit To Becky Falls

  • Wear sturdy footwear.
  • Take a carrier for small people.
  • Enjoy a more relaxed way of seeing Dartmoor.
  • Book your visit in advance.

A Family Friendly Dartmoor Walk.

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