Rediscovering yourself after having a baby

Your whole world changes after having a baby. It took me sometime to adjust to my new way of life after my first and then again after my second. Here’s my story.

Pre baby identification

Trail runner

I could never imagine a day where sport wasn’t an essential part of my life.

I’d always been the sporty one throughout my education; achieving medals, playing for the county. Even playing regional at university.

After leaving education I started traveling. My exercise changed from sport to outdoor activities. This led to a career in the outdoor industry.

My day to day job and my hobbies combined to make an extremely active lifestyle. Every opportunity I’d be looking for the next challenge.

My favourite adventure buddy and I finally decided to settle and grow our family and with that the adventures slowed down.

Activity during pregnancy
Pregnant lady running

I remained active throughout my first pregnancy. People were surprised that I was still running and leading outdoor activities.

Once baby was born our pace slowed down and our outings became less adventurous. I went from exercising daily to managing 1-2 runs a week and long weekend walks. In comparison to pre child me I didn’t feel I was doing enough. The lack of exercise and time to be alone with my thoughts got me down.

Soon the running became harder due to lack of training. It then became less enjoyable. I had also underestimated how hard I’d find it to leave my baby and do something for me.

The struggle is real

Pregnant lady on beach with son

The barriers I’d put in place meant I got out less and less. I then fell pregnant with baby number 2. This time around pregnancy became my excuse to relax. Or maybe having a toddler to chase after meant I reserved my energy for him. 

After the birth I expected my body to snap back as it had done previously. No such luck. Mumma tum wouldn’t budge.

I had less confidence, less time and more excuses. I couldn’t see a way that I could exercise like I used to. Don’t get me wrong it is not the be all and all. I’m grateful and lucky for what I have, but I am left now wondering who am I?

I know I’m mummy, wife, friend, daughter, sister, but without my adventurous identity I lost what made me, me!

The next chapter

Lady walking with baby and toddler

So here it is my attempt to get back out there and face my new adventures. Maybe even squeeze in a little run so I can find me.

I’m now accountable to anybody reading this. Creating my babies and staying at home with them is by far my greatest achievement, but in the process I lost a little of me. 

Here begins the next adventure to find me and maybe I’ll never be as fast or as active as I was. However you should see the speed at which I can change a wriggling toddlers nappy!

The person I am will never be the same as before as I have grown and changed. So here’s to finding the new me, with a hint of the adventuring old self.

What things have you done to feel like yourself after children?

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